
Archive for January, 2008

Loop Abstractions in D revisited

January 31st, 2008 4 comments

In my previous post on Loop Abstractions in D I showed you how we could make loop constructs abstract, in a similar way which is common in Ruby. The example I used as a model was the retryable method from Cheah Chu Yeow. His version is customizable in a way that let you define the type of exception that triggers a retry.

retryable(:tries => 5, :on => OpenURI::HTTPError) do
  # retryable code goes here

To mimic that in D we had to use templates, which are invoked with a special syntax.

  // Retryable code goes here
}, 5);

To be honest, I don’t like the template syntax. I don’t know why, it just doesn’t feel right. If possible, I’d much prefer a more native looking code. Maybe something like this:

  // Retryable code goes here
}, 5, HTTPError);

Christopher Wright points out an implementation that would be the closest one could get to a signature like that. He uses the somewhat primitive RTTI in D.

void retryable(ClassInfo info, int times, 
  void delegate() totry)
  for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (e.classinfo is info) continue; else throw e;

Which could be invoked with the following code.

retryable(HTTPError.classinfo, 5, {
  // Retryable code goes here

The problem with this approach, which was pointed out by Jarret Billingsley, is that this implementation wouldn’t catch and retry on exceptions from derived classes (descendants to HTTPError in the above example). Fortunately, Jarret provides us with a solution.

What you have to do then is perform a dynamic cast. There’s no syntax for this, but you can
hack around with some of the runtime functions to do the same thing. Place:

extern(C) Object _d_dynamic_cast(Object o, ClassInfo c);

somewhere in your module, then in the catch clause of retryable:

catch(Exception e)
  if(_d_dynamic_cast(e, info))
    throw e;

That _should_ work. It’s doing the same thing as the cast operator would
but without the pretty syntax.

Not pretty, but it works, at least if you use one of the standard libraries: Tango or Phobos. I’m not sure it’s better than the template version though. The .classinfo property brings nearly as much noice as the template version does. Also, the template version has the advantage that it is resolved at compile-time.

I think I’ll go with templates after all. Who knows, I might even get used to them one day.

Cheers! 🙂

Categories: D Programming Language Tags:

The Most Essential Development Problem

January 25th, 2008 6 comments

Paul W. Homer has a post up discussing essential development problems. While this is a huge subject (somewhat reflected by the size Paul’s article,) I’d like to emphasize one of the things he touches: the lack of understanding the users’ problem domain.

The biggest problem in most systems today is the total failure of the programmers to have any empathy for their users.

I too have a similar perception, and I have many times been guilty as charged, although I’ve come to realize that I’d better take the Customer View if I want to succeed. Still, I fail from time to time in the analysis of the users’ situation. I don’t know why this keeps happening, but I think impatience and a strong wish to “get going” is partly to blame.

One part of the problem could also be how many of us look upon system development. We usually decide for technology at an early stage, often on grounds that matters little to the end users. Things like personal preference and hype usually have a big impact on the choices we make. We then build the system pretty much bottom-up, adapting the business process to fit the technology. I’ve seen this unspoken philosophy many times in many places, and the results are usually poor.

The cure is a change of paradigm. We need to start with the users, identify and help develop their processes before we build systems that support them. We need to realize that the system is not the solution; it’s just a part of it.

Another part of the problem is a question of attitude. We need to accept that we’re actually in the support business. Our job is to make things easier for others, not to take the easy way out on the users’ expense, as Paul also points out.

“Use this because I think it works, and I can do it”, produces an arrogant array of badly behaving, but pragmatically convenient code. That of course is backwards, if the code needs to be ‘hard’ to make the user experience ‘simple’ then that is the actual work that needs to be done. Making the code ‘simple’, and dismissing the complaints from the users, is a cop-out to put it mildly.

Of course, there is a trade-off between what users want and what we can provide, but at least we need to start at the right end.


Categories: software development Tags:

New looks and stuff

January 23rd, 2008 4 comments

I haven’t been happy with the way code snippets look on my blog. Yesterday I decided to do something about it, but, which is typical me, the number of changes got a lot more than I set out for, including a WordPress upgrade and a new theme.

After a couple of minor layout and style sheet changes, I was satisfied with the new look – in Firefox that is; When I tested it in Internet Explorer 6.0, I noticed that the content of the sidebar got displaced when there were code snippets in a post.

Display Bug in IE 6

With a little investigation, I discovered that the triggering factor of this annoying bug was the following css rule, or more precisely, the padding property.

  font:1.2em 'Courier New',Courier,Fixed;
  margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
  background: #FBF5DF;
  border-top: solid 1px #EDE0B3;
  border-bottom: solid 1px #EDE0B3;
  padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;

When I changed it and removed the right hand side padding, the problem went away.

  font:1.2em 'Courier New',Courier,Fixed;
  margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
  background: #FBF5DF;
  border-top: solid 1px #EDE0B3;
  border-bottom: solid 1px #EDE0B3;
  padding-left: 5px;
  padding-top: 10px;
  padding-bottom: 10px;

One may wonder how an internal space property like padding could have this effect on the positioning of other objects, but then again, I’m not surprised. I can see why Internet Explorer is not the favorite browser among web designers, or among you for that matter.

Anyway, I hope you like the new looks of my blog; If you don’t, please let me know.


Categories: blogging, web-design Tags:

Loop Abstractions in D

January 17th, 2008 8 comments

One of the great things with Ruby is the natural way in which you can hide looping constructs behind descriptive names. Like the retryable example that Cheah Chu Yeow gives on his blog.

retryable(:tries => 5, :on => OpenURI::HTTPError) do

Notice how elegantly the loop logic is abstracted; There’s no need to look at the implementation of retryable to figure out what it does. The question is, can we do something similar with D as well? It turns out that with features like delegates and function literals we can actually get pretty close.

bool retryable(int tries, void delegate() dg)
  for(int i = tries; i > 0; i--)
      return true;
      // Retry
  return false;

Which can be used like this:

retryable(5, {
}) ;

Not as nice as with Ruby, but almost.

The custom exception of the Ruby version is a tricky one to implement in D. Templates to our rescue.

bool retryable(E)(int tries, void delegate() dg)
  for(int i = tries; i > 0; i--)
      return true;
    catch (E)
      // Retry
  return false;

With the (little bit odd) template syntax, we can then make retryable retry only when, for example, StdioExceptions are thrown.

retryable!(StdioException)(5, {
}) ;

To clean it up a bit, we can add some defaults (which requires us to switch places between the parameters).

bool retryable(E = Exception)(void delegate() dg, int tries = 5)
  for(int i = tries; i > 0; i--)
      return true;
    catch (E)
      // Retry
  return false;

That gives us a little more freedom when utilizing retryable.

  // Retry up to 5 times

  // Retry up to 10 times
}, 10);

  // Retry up to three times
  // on StdioException failures
}, 3);

I totally agree with Cheah Chu that Ruby is nice, but I think D is pretty cool too.


Adaptive Database Optimizations?

January 9th, 2008 2 comments

I love Rails Migrations. Not only do they help making database development a part of an agile development process, they also make my life easier as a developer with shallow knowledge in the field of database programming. But, even with frameworks like these, I think we’re still dealing with databases on a very low level.

Conceptually, databases are very simple objects. You can store data and you can retrieve data. The complexity should go no further than to declare and organize the data into relational units. Making queries should be a simple matter of getting the right data.

Reality is different. We need to consider performance, create and drop indexes, write stored procedures, configure the database for optimal performance on our specific data and specific usage; We need to write queries that not only gets us the right data, but also gets us the right data efficiently.
To get the most out of our databases we therefore need deep knowledge of the database engine, and how it’s being used by our system. For the last part, all we can do is make a good guess based on tests and supervision. In all the projects I’ve been in so far, tuning databases has always been a hefty task, hard to get right.

If we allow ourselves to think outside the box, does the tuning task really have to be this difficult? We go through great effort to collect and predict usage data although there is an object that has access to the most accurate data at all times: The database engine should be able to figure out the best tuning actions, and do them at run-time.

Java’s Virtual Machine HotSpot is a great example of a self-tuning technique, called Adaptive optimization. HotSpot starts out as a simple interpreter, but performs dynamic recompilation on portions of the bytecode that is heavily used. An adaptive optimizer can theoretically perform better than a pre-compiled program since it can make optimizations based on actual usage and local conditions.

Now, wouldn’t it be possible to create a self-tuning database engine as well?
As I said, I’m not a database expert, and I appreciate the complexity involved, but on a conceptual level there are no real obstacles – that I can see. I see no reason why it couldn’t be done. Can you?


Categories: databases, programming, tuning Tags:

Did I say don’t unit-test GUIs?

January 3rd, 2008 1 comment

Isn’t life funny? Two weeks ago I stated my opinion that unit-testing graphical user interfaces isn’t worth the trouble. Now I find myself doing it, writing unit-tests for GUI components.

What happened, did I come to my senses or go crazy (pick the expression that fits your point of view) during Christmas holidays? No, I still think that unit-testing user interfaces is most likely a waste of time, but for some special occasions, like this one, they will pay off.

My task is to make changes to a tool box control in a legacy application. The control is full of application logic and it has a strong and complicated relationship to an edit area control. There are two things I need to do:
First I have to pull out the application logic of the tool box and break the tight relationship to the edit area. Then I need to push that application logic deeper into the application core, so that the tool box could be used via the plug-in framework.

I figured I had two options. I could either refactor the tool box and make the changes in small steps, or I could rebuild the complete tool box logic and then change the controls to use the new programming interface.
I found the rebuild alternative too risky. The code base is full of booby traps and I have to be very careful not to introduce bugs. Therefore I decided to go with refactoring.

But refactoring requires a unit-testing harness, which of course this application doesn’t have. Trust me; you don’t want to refactor without extensive unit-testing, so here I am setting up the tests around the involved GUI controls. It’s a lot of work, especially since I don’t have a decent framework for creating mock objects, but it’ll be worth the effort once I start messing around with the code.

As a conclusion I’d like to refine the “Don’t unit-test GUI” statement to read “Don’t unit-test GUI unless you’re refactoring it, and there’s no easier way to make sure your changes doesn’t break anything.”
