Incremental Development and Regression Testing Paper Released
As you might know I wrote about the regression testing problem in The Swamp of Regression Testing. One of the commenters of that post, Ricky Clarkson, thought that the extensive use of the agile word got in the way of the underlying message.
I’d love to see a copy of this article without “if you don’t do X, you won’t be agile”, because where I work, agile isn’t a goal, but quality and quick turnaround is. If I passed this around, the word ‘agile’ would get in the way of an otherwise great message.
That made so much sense that I decided to do just that. I wrote a new version, a complete rework of the original post, and published it as a separate document so that it can be easily passed around.
You find it under Shared Stuff on my website, or by following the below link.
Incremental Development and Regression Testing (PDF)
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any feedback to share.