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iOS 6 Recipes Is Out


I’ve had this dream, for like ages, to become a published book author. Now I’ve done it. iOS 6 Recipes is out. (Actually, it’s been out since late november but I’ve been so exhausted that I haven’t been able to muster the energy to blog about it.)

iOS 6 Recipes is based on another book, iOS 5 Recipes, by Colin Francis and Shawn Grimes. My job was to upgrade that book with the new features of iOS 6, but as it turned out I had to rewrite most of the original content, keeping only the general structure and most of the old topics. I’m very proud of the result and although there are many ways in which it could still be improved, I believe I’ve accomplished the goal of producing a better book, valuable to its readers.

But I couldn’t have pulled this off if it wasn’t for the fantastic team at Apress, especially Anamika Panchoo (Coordinating Editor), Anselm Bradford (Technical Rewiever), Douglas Pundick (Developmental Editor) and Linda Seifert (Copy Editor).

If you’ve read iOS 6 Recipes and want to share your thoughts, or ask me questions, feel free to contact me, either through the comments here or by emailing me (you’ll find my email address in the book).


Categories: Anouncements, books Tags: , ,
  1. Peter
    February 25th, 2013 at 13:46 | #1

    Hey Hans-Eric
    Congrats on the book and fulfilling one of you big lifedreams! I saw that Matt (Code Camp) earlier promoted it too. I hope you sell a ton of books / eBooks!

    BTW: Just bought it today – gotta support fellow Swedish iOS Developers…
    // Happy Coding 🙂

  2. Peter
    February 26th, 2013 at 08:42 | #3

    Thank’s & dito 🙂

  3. Ian Taylor
    March 8th, 2013 at 23:20 | #4


    I may have missed it but does’nt the following have to be added on pp58 (Recipe 1-10:Handling Errors – Implementing Recovery Options):

    In ViewController.m add the following:

    – (BOOL)attemptRecoveryFromError:(NSError *)error optionIndex:(NSUInteger)recoveryOptionIndex {
    return NO;

    • March 11th, 2013 at 13:28 | #5

      Hi Ian,

      It’s true that the piece of code you mention needs to be in the ViewController. Although you’re instructed to add that same code a few pages earlier (p51), I realize this may be easily overlooked and something I need to change for the next edition.


  4. Ian Taylor
    March 11th, 2013 at 18:27 | #6



    Thank you for the reply. Yes the code is right there at the bottom of pp 51.

    Originally, I found it in the Source Code very quickly, so I was not off-track for very long.

    I am enjoying working my way through this recipe (1-10 Handling Errors) and am looking at ways to implement it in an app that I am currently writing. Error handling is a topic that is rarely covered in coding books, so your book is proving to be of great value to me.


    Ian Taylor

  5. March 13th, 2013 at 17:46 | #7

    @Ian Taylor , that really warms my heart. I too feel that error handling is a sadly overlooked topic in coding books. I’m glad my book brought you value in that sense (although only a fraction of it – two recipes – deals with general error handling).


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