
Archive for the ‘programming’ Category

Constant Learning

September 20th, 2007 No comments

One of my favorite quotes comes from Ron Jeffries on his blog Hot Needle of Inquiry:

“the river is moving, and if we don’t keep rowing, we are going to drift back downstream”

The quote reminds me of the importance of self-improvement. If we stop learning we are nothing but dead material in the stream of life. Ron seems to have stopped updating his blog, which is sad because it was one of my favorites.

Today I read a really interesting post on Debasish Ghosh’s blog. He shows how you can get object-orientation in a functional language using closures. I knew it could be done, but I hadn’t seen it in code before. Neat, but I received the real learning opportunity from one of the comments, in which Gabriel C. states “LOVED the Koan”.

I didn’t have a clue of what a Koan was, but Wikipedia came to my rescue:

“A koan is a story, dialog, question, or statement in the history and lore of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, generally containing aspects that are inaccessible to rational understanding, yet that may be accessible to Intuition.”

Thank you Debasish and Gabriel, you made me exercise rowing today too.

Categories: learning, programming Tags:

Quit Debugging!

September 17th, 2007 21 comments

I have a confession to make: I used to be addicted to debugging. Yes, it’s true. When I got hooked – damn you Delphi – I wasn’t able to see the dark side, the demonic side of the debugger. It lured me into the path of quick fixes. Heed my warning: debuggers are bad!

Fortunately I’m one of the lucky few who have been able to recover from this particularly addictive behavior. I’ve been clean – thank you jUnit – for almost 5 years now. And you can do it too, you can let go of the safety zone that these integrated debuggers provide, and break free just like I did.

The first thing to do is to realize that there is a better alternative: test-driven development. To get rid of a bug, the right thing to do is not to fire up your debugger, but to write a unit-test to reveal it. If necessary, keep writing tests and go deeper and deeper into your code. Eventually the tests will tell you what is wrong, and they’ll even point out a solution for you.

I know that using a debugger may seem like a faster way to find and extinguish a bug, but that is just an illusion. Here are the reasons:

  1. TDD improves the design. Being forced to think testability tends to divide your code into small manageable pieces. This will make your code a bad breeding ground for bugs.
  2. Tests remain useful for a long time. They become an addition to your testing harness, which helps protecting your code against future infestations. The work spent in a debugging session can never be reused.
  3. Unit-testing saves time, a lot! While this isn’t immediately obvious, the long term effects are huge. Think of it: all those debugging sessions can be run automatically at your command, whenever you want, how often you want, and in just a matter of seconds. All you have to do to achieve this is to let go of the debugger, and write relevant tests.
  4. Unit-testing gives you courage. There’s nothing like a good harness to make you feel invincible. I still remember the first time I felt the real power of unit-testing. I was working on a huge legacy application and had developed a new set of functionalities, using TDD for the very first time. Several months later I realized I had to do a major rewrite. The rewrite was risky business and took me a couple of days to complete. When finished, I ran the unit-tests which all came out green! I could be confident the program worked just as before the rewrite. And the best part: I drew the conclusion out of just five seconds of testing. Boy, I still get the goose bumps.


Of course debuggers are useful tools. In certain situations they are even invaluable. For someone who’s new to the software they provide a great way of getting to know it. The problem is that a debugger makes you lazy. So be sure to get rid of it as soon as you identify a testing strategy.


Donkey Patching

September 13th, 2007 4 comments

According to this slide show, the team behind D is thinking of incorporating an interesting addition to the language: The interchangability of and foo(a, b).

This makes some interesting uses available. For instance, one could do something that looks a bit like monkey patching, adding functionality to library classes.

real round_to(real n, uint d) {
  real b = 10;
  real k = pow(b, d);
  return round(n*k)/k;

With the proposed change I could use the round_to function like this:

real a = 9.4334566;
real b = a.round_to(2); // => 9.43

I would also be able to do this:

int next(int a) {
  return a + 1;

int b =; // => 4

And while we’re at it:

void times(int n, void delegate() dg) {
  while(n\-\- > 0) {

  writefln("Look at me. I'm Ruby!");

Of course this isn’t really monkey patching. The functions doesn’t actually become a part of the class, and thus cannot use polymorphism or access private members. In all respect this is just syntactic sugar, but I like it. It gives you the illusion of having a dynamic language.

I haven’t seen this particular feature in any other language before. Does it exist elsewhere? Does it have a name? If not, I think Donkey Patching would be a suitable one.

Cheers! 🙂

Categories: D Programming Language, programming Tags:

Should D have real closures?

September 13th, 2007 No comments

It has been a vivid debate following my D doesn’t have real closures post. For most parts it has been a constructive discussion, but what I wanted to see was real examples that would convince me that real closures (those that carry the environment with them) were actually useful for a language that provides other means of object oriented programming.

One reason for my skepticism was an interview with Ruby’s creator Yukihiro Matsumoto, made by Bill Venners. There Mr Matsumoto says this about having the context captured: “it’s not that useful in the daily lives of programmers”. Here is the statement in context:

Bill Venners: OK, but what is the benefit of having the context? The distinction that makes Ruby’s closure a real closure is that it captures the context, the local variables and so on. What benefit do I get from having the context in addition to the code that I don’t get by just being able to pass a chunk of code around as an object?

Yukihiro Matsumoto: Actually, to tell the truth, the first reason is to respect the history of Lisp. Lisp provided real closures, and I wanted to follow that.

Bill Venners: One difference I can see is that data is actually shared between the closure objects and the method. I imagine I could always pass any needed context data into a regular, non-closure, block as parameters, but then the block would just have a copy of the context, not the real thing. It’s not sharing the context. Sharing is what’s going on in a closure that’s different from a plain old function object.

Yukihiro Matsumoto: Yes, and that sharing allows you to do some interesting code demos, but I think it’s not that useful in the daily lives of programmers. It doesn’t matter that much. The plain copy, like it’s done in Java’s inner classes for example, works in most cases. But in Ruby closures, I wanted to respect the Lisp culture.

Today I read a blog post from Julio César who’s arguing for incorporating real closures in D. He’s providing real examples and his case feels strong. Also, he points to an alternative way of implementing it that doesn’t look too complicated.

Categories: D Programming Language, programming Tags:

D doesn’t have real closures

September 11th, 2007 12 comments

Note: This article was written before D got full closure support.

Delegates are something that gives me mixed feelings. While I used to embrace them in Delphi and Object Pascal, I now find them difficult to get used to in C#. I guess that is because they introduce a little of the functional programming paradigm into an otherwise object oriented environment.

Don’t get me wrong, I do find delegates powerful and I use them whenever I see fit. It’s just that they bug me, like a badly-pitched note in an otherwise perfect chord. In that respect I am much more fond of the inner classes of Java.

The D Programming Language, my favorite pet at the moment, has support for both delegates and inner classes, thus providing the best of both worlds. And since D is a multi paradigm language with support for functional programming, its delegates are justified.

The semantics of D delegates are somewhat different from that of C#. For instance, C# delegates may bind to both static and non-static methods, while D may bind to non-static methods only. But on the other hand, D delegates may also bind to inner functions, which makes them look a lot like closures.

bool retry(int times, bool delegate() dg)
  int tries = 0;
  while (tries++ < times) {
      return true;
  return false;

// Example usage
retry(3, {
  writefln("Password: ");
  char[] buf = readln();
  return (buf == "secretn");

In order to be a real closure a delegate is required to keep variables that are bound from the surrounding environment alive, even if the program has left their scope. For example, consider the following program.

int delegate() countdown(int from)
  int current = from;
  int countdown_helper() {
    return current\-\-;

  return &countdown_helper;

int delegate() dg = countdown(10);
dg(); // should return 10;
dg(); // should return 9;
dg(); // should return 8;

The countdown function returns a delegate that refers to the inner function countdown_helper. Counter_helper binds the variable current from it’s parent by returning its value and decreasing it by one.

So, if D’s delegates were real closures the first invocation of the delegate in the above example should return 10, the second 9, followed by 8, 7, and so on. But in reality they produce bogus values like 4202601 or 4202588. The reason is this: D doesn’t implement real closures. The variable current is invalid because the program is no longer executing the countdown function when countdown_helper is invoked via the delegate.

So D doesn’t have real closures, is that a big deal? No! In my opinion real closures are not important for languages that are not pure functional. The creators of D shouldn’t waste their resources on this feature since it brings little value but lots of implementation complexity. The energy is better spent on features like multicast delegates. Those would bring value in the form of convenience, and I hope future versions of D will incorporate them.

Complete versions of the code samples in this post can be found here and here.

Programmer or Developer?

September 4th, 2007 12 comments

A comment on a recent post of mine made me think more about the distinction between a Software Programmer and a Software Developer. To me there is a subtle, but important difference. Let me give you my definition:

A Software Programmer is someone who really knows the environment he is programming. He knows everything there is to know about the language, the API and the Framework he’s using. He can do low level optimizations because he knows in detail what the compiler does behind the scenes. He is indeed a Wizard and a Guru of his domain. A Software Programmer usually starts with the implementation (probably because that’s what he is doing best) and work his way outwards.

A Software Developer on the other hand is a specialist at giving the customer (user) what he wants and what he needs. He doesn’t waste time on premature optimizations; he prioritize maintainability over performance, unless the performance is proved to be unacceptable; he has great testing skills, designing skills and communication skills; He is empathic, knows his HCI, and cares more about the user than he cares about his code. He cares so much that he usually becomes an expert himself of the users domains. A Software Developer starts with the interface (probably because that’s what he does best) and work his way inwards.

A person can be both, or more of one or the other. In a team you want both kinds but they are rarely found within the same individual. I, for instance, consider myself a great developer but an intermediate programmer. One simple way to test what type you are is to ask yourself this question: Do I care more for the interface (GUI or Programming Interface) than I do for the implementation? If you think the implementation is unimportant as long as it does what you want, and is reasonably maintainable, then you’re probably a Software Developer. If you find the previous sentence a blasphemy, you could be a Software Programmer. Which one is it?

Great use of annotations

September 3rd, 2007 No comments

C# entered the field of battle some seven years ago as a better version of Java. The one feature that many people referred to when claiming C# superior, was custom attributes. Now Java has them too, but they go under the name of annotations.

The ability to attach meta data to various parts of your program is a powerful way to integrate with frameworks or configure external utilities. Mike Kaufman, for example, used annotations beautifully to configure an Obfuscator. He has posted the details on his blog.

Categories: C#, java, programming Tags:

Rest In Peace Delphi

September 2nd, 2007 28 comments

It’s not without sadness I see that what used to be my favorite language has taken a big dive in popularity recent years. Now Borland Delphi is only the 14th most popular programming language according to TIOBE Programming Community Index as per august 2007. That is five ranks lower than one year ago, and far from it’s golden days in the mid 1990’s.

Delphi was really a great language to work with. In the early days it was a strong, even leading power in the programming community. It gave us one of the first RAD environments, which sure as hell was more visual than Visual C++ and Visual Basic, its competitors at the time.

But the popularity decline didn’t come as a surprise. It started with Microsoft snatching Anders Hejlsberg, the compiler genius who created Delphi’s predecessor Turbo Pascal. Following that, the increasingly lower quality releases and the name changing mess. For some unintelligible reason Borland changed its name to Inprise, only to change it back a couple of years later, most likely due to an internal revolt. Slowly but steadily even the most devoted started to leave for other, obviously better, alternatives.

Last year Borland announced that they were selling all of its development tools, including Delphi. It long looked as if Delphi would be brought back under the name of Turbo Delphi, but the sale was canceled. Instead the development tools were spun off into a new company, owned by Borland. Since then Delphi 2007 for Win32 has been released, the best release in many many many years. They really did shape up, but I’m afraid it’s too late. The magic is gone and I have moved on.

Farewell my friend.

Is the Contract Programming of D broken?

August 29th, 2007 No comments

In my previous post I mentioned that I wasn’t sure of how the D Contract Programming feature works in an override scenario. Wekempf inspired me to delve deeper into the matter. Here is what I found.

Contract Programming states that preconditions may be weakened by a deriving class, but never hardened. For postconditions the reverse is true: they may be hardened but never weakened.

The D Programming Language specification states:

“If a function in a derived class overrides a function in its super class, then only one of the in contracts of the function and its base functions must be satisfied.”

In my experience this isn’t the case. Consider the following code:

class A {
  void f(int a)
  in { assert(a > 0); }
  out {}
  body {}

class B: A {
  void f(int a)
  in { assert(a > 1); }
  out {}
  body {}

Method B.f overrides the corresponding method in A. If B.f is invoked with an argument of 1, the in-clause of B.f should fail and A.f succeed. According to the specification only one of the two needs to be satisfied. Let’s see if that’s true.

A o = new B;

The program halts with a contract failure in B.f. The preconditions of the base class is never even checked.

What happens if I add a call to the base class method?

class B: A {
  void f(int a)
  in { assert(a > 1); }
  out {}
  body { super.f(a);}

It turns out that the super-call triggers the in-clause of the base class A (and only that one). It seems like the semantics differs from the statement in the specification. The current behavior opens up for abuse of the general principles of Contract Programming by allowing preconditions to be hardened and postconditions to be loosened.

I don’t care all that much though. To me it seems difficult to have the language enforce those rules anyway, at least while keeping the contracts flexible. And, the current behavior is what I’d expect if I wasn’t aware of the Design by Contract principles.

Update: It turned out that this feature is currently not implemented in the DMD compiler.

Contract Programming in D

August 27th, 2007 4 comments

If you are a defensive programmer like me, you make heavy use of assertions to guard assumption you make in your code. For example, a method for adding an order item to an order object could look something like this:

class Order
  private List orders;

  int addItem(OrderItem item)
    item.order = this;
    assert(items.count > 0);
    return items.count;

This style of programming adds some clutter to the code, but makes the program more robust and reliable over time.

The D Programming Language have built in support for contract programming and I have been curios to see if that can be an alternative to my defensive programming style. At first look it seems to be a close match. Both techniques allow you to make safe assumptions in business logic code. The difference is where you put your defensive code.

In contract programming, or Design by Contract as it was originally called, there are the concepts of pre- and postconditions, conditions that are expected to be met on the entrance to and on the exit from methods. Additionally you have the concept of class invariants, which asserts a certain state before and after (but not during) a method call.

So, a transformed contract programming version of my defensive style example above could look something like this:

class Order
  private List orders;

  invariant { assert(assigned(items); }

  int addItem(OrderItem item)
  in { assert(assigned(item)); }
  out {assert(items.count > 0);}
    item.order = this;
    return items.count;

This may not seem like less clutter but it does two important things: First it separates the defensive code from the business logic. Pre- and postconditions are neatly placed in in- and out-blocks, while business logic dwells in the body-block.
Secondly, general assertions that may need to be checked in every method of the object (like checking that the orders list in the above example is assigned), are handled in in place: the invariant block. Nice and DRY.

It seems like I could use Contract Programming for the same purposes as the normal defensive programming technique, but there are a couple of issues that keep me from taking the step:

  1. I’m not sure how preconditions and postconditions are affected in an override scenario. The language specification says that preconditions are OR’ed together, meaning that if one precondition passes the others are ignored. My own tests show a different behavior, but I need to take a closer look to be sure.
  2. Contract Programming and Normal Defensive programming are conceptually two very different things: Contract Programming, like the name suggests, are taking place in between the programming interfaces of objects, while the assertion defensive style is more general. You can say that Contract Programming defends the Program Design against abuse, while the defensive programming style defends the implementation against unexpected events.
  3. Contract Programming moves the defensive code away from the code that benefits from its protection. This could become a maintaining problem.

I currently feel that Contract Programming should be used only in the context for which it was created: big projects with many developers, where a massive (not agile) design phase precedes an equally massive phase of implementation. But, I’ll probably use class invariants to DRY up my general asserts where applicable.